Designing the 1:30 A.M.

I once heard my father say that nearly every significant creative accomplishment he had achieved in his lifetime was produced sometime before 9 A.M. and after 5 P.M. RAINLIGHT STUDIOS is certainly no exception. And coincidentally, that same person who rises early and stays up late is also the co-founder of this studio. So in fitting fashion, it is currently 1:24 AM and I am working on the new RAINLIGHT STUDIOS website. 

So I'm taking this short break to encourage anyone who reads this to stay up late and design your dreams. Wake up early and accomplish your goals. Whatever they may be, give up the time, sleep and peace required to make it happen when your day-job is over. You can do it. Make it happen! Just do it!

RAINLIGHT is our dream...what's yours? 

Posted on October 23, 2013 .